Built in 1825, Normanby Hall Country Park is a Regency mansion designed by Robert Smirke, and is owned by the Sheffield Family, former Dukes of Buckingham, and the original owners of Buckingham Palace. Now open to the public, this historic manor hosts a number of new artworks aiming to draw attention to some of the overlooked cultural influences found in the designs and decoration.

In typical TB style, the first stage was a series of hand drawings, picking out elements of the hall and rendering them in meticulous detail. This was then transformened into a 'Trompe - l'oeil' design of objects bursting out of rips in the fabric. The objects all represent and symbolise different objects and styles of design that feature in the house.

The final design was handprinted onto 100% silk, with a black base then a gold detail on top. It was then made into a series of curtains, hanging in pride of place in the main hall as part of the exhibition. After the exhibition, the cuartains will remain in place as a permanent fixture of the hall.