Produced by Zeppotron, the show attempts to make sense of a very confusing 2020. Surrounded by lush tropical prints, iconic thistles and kaleidoscopic paint splatts, the box pieces create an intricate and eye catching backdrop. All photography by Stella Firman.
'Frankie Boyle's New World Order' Set Pieces
A selection of Timorous Beasties wallpapers were used for the set of BBC's 'Frankie Boyle's New World Order'. The blocks were beautifully built by Take 1 Scenic and the set designed by Alex Craig.
Glasgow, London and Berlin showrooms open
We look forward to welcoming you to our Glasgow, London and Berlin shops, with extra safety precautions in place.
Doors Open Day 2021
TB were excited to be taking part in the Doors Open Days Festival 2021.
Timorous Beasties is now at Artell
Timorous Beasties newest stockist have recently created an installation in collaboration with interior designer Dirk Jan Kinet, featuring Timorous Beasties within their Loft showroom in Mexico City.
Edit by Designjunction